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of Medicinal Plants

Pharmacological Review of Ginsenoside Dammarane Saponin Rh2

Pharmacological Review of Ginsenoside Dammarane Saponin Rg1

Pharmacological Review of Ginsenoside Dammarane Saponin Rb1

Pharmacological Review of Aglycon Dammarane Sapogenin (AGS) – Protopanaxatriol (PPT)

Pharmacological Review of Aglycon Dammarane Sapogenin (AGS) – Protopanaxadiol (PPD)


Dammarane sapogenins increases chemo efficacy, reduces toxicity and improves quality of life in cancer patients

Ginsenosides Rg1 activates neural stem cells
神經乾細胞 (neuralstemcell,NSCs)是一類具有分裂潛能和自更新能力的母細胞,它可以通過不對等的分裂方式產生神經組織的各類細胞。患病部位組織損傷後釋放各種趨化因子,可以吸引神經乾細胞聚集到損傷部位,並在局部微環境的作用下分化為不同種類的細胞,修復及補充損傷的神經細胞。因此,神經乾細胞具有廣泛的治療價值,可以用於各炎症或損傷導致的大腦神經細胞喪失(例如,老年癡呆、腦梗死後遺症、多發性硬化等)。 重慶醫科大學的研究發現:人參達瑪烷皂苷Rg1具有強烈的激發神經乾細胞的活性,並且進一步...

Abstract from the Master’s degree dissertation of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, 2011
Author: Jinghua Shi

Objective: To obersve the quality of life in cancer patients who received dammarane sapogenins (containing both PPD and PPT) during chemotherapy.

Methods: 60 patients who received standard chemo regimens were recruited and randomized into either dammarane sapogenins plus chemo treatment (dammarane sapogenins group) or control group with chemo only. Dammarane sapogenins were administered at 200mg/d, qd for 8 weeks. Patients were assessed for their physical status, and quality of life.


  • In dammarane sapogenins group, the rate of partial regression of the cancer was 36.7%, and the tumor was stabilized in another 50% of patients. In contract, the rate of partial regression was only 13.3%, another 50.0% were stabilized, and the left 36.7% had progressive tumors.
  • Logistic regression analysis showed that the relative risk ratio of the control group is 5.47 when compared to the dammarane sapogenins group, indicating a significant difference in treatment response between two groups.
  • Chemotherapy reduced the quality of life in both groups, however, the reduction in dammrane sapogenins group is much milder than the control group, suggesting dammarane sapogenins can improve the quality of life during chemotherapy.
  • Before chemotherapy, there was no difference in physical strength betweek two groups; interestingly, dammrane sapogenins increased the physical strength, which was even greater than that before the chemothrapy. The physical strength in chemo group was reduced rapidly and persistantly.
  • Dammarane sapogenins administration reduced the toxicity during chemotherapy.

Conclusion: Taken together, dammarane sapogenins can be safely used for cancer patients to increase the chemo response, alleviate the chemo toxicity and improve the quality of life in patients during chemotherapy.

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